
Here are a few testimonials from our happy customers and website visitors:

“Thank you for writing this book. My PLANTS appreciate it!!!!!”

I’ve been an anthurium hobbyist-enthusiast for the past 6 years or so. It was my first job at a retail nursery Koolau Farmers in Kaneohe, HI that sparked my interest and passion in these particular plants. Currently I have over 50 different cultivars including many that were developed and hybridized in Hawaii and a handful originating from the Netherlands. Over the years I have managed to keep a lot of anthurium plants alive and thriving but at the same time probably have killed twice as many. There are many sites on the Internet as well as a few books that briefly explain about the care of anthuriums. Most sources however only touch on the basic care, which is limited to the type of potting mix to use and the temperature requirements.

Your book “Anthurium Care Made Simple” is truly a SIMPLE guide that covers the A-Zs of anthurium care. It is written in everyday-easy to understand language; no difficult scientific terminologies or analysis that most people can’t understand. I wish I had this book sooner so that I could’ve save more of my plants; many that were hard to get and can no longer find growers for. I now know how to properly water the plants in order to prevent root rot, which was the culprit of most of my anthurium plant fatalities. I also have a better overview of the fertilizer properties and schedule to help my plants flower more frequently. All and all I thought this book was great. Thank you for writing this book. My PLANTS appreciate it!!!!!

Brent Robinson
Kaneohe, Hawaii

“I would definitely recommend Anthurium Hawaii for rare and exotic anthurium plants not found in the mainland USA.”

I want to thank everyone at Anthurium Hawaii for the healthy, gorgeous, large cuttings I received. I am a certified master gardener and worked during college in a botanical garden. I collect tropical plants and love the challenge of growing these beautiful plants in Michigan. The plants arrived within 48 hours and were packaged meticulously. I planted them the next day and they are doing extremely well. I look forward to ordering more anthuriums in the near future. I would definitely recommend Anthurium Hawaii for rare and exotic anthurium plants not found in the mainland USA.

Melanie Novak
Mattawan, Michigan

Big thanks to Leslie with Anthurium-Hawaii!

Big thanks to Leslie with Anthurium-Hawaii! I had a sad mess on my hand when my puppy shredded my beloved anthurium plant. Leslie walked me through the proper care long-distance via email and I was able to resuscitate what was left of my plant. You really know your anthuriums there! Thanks so much.


“I would gladly recommend your company to anthurium lovers.”

Thank you so much for all of your help with this purchase. Your expertise and professionalism with this transaction has been very smooth and has made me feel very comfortable. I would gladly recommend your company to anthurium lovers. My deepest thanks to you and your staff.

Aloha Pumehana, Cathie \\(^_^)//

Your info really helped me in getting my anthuriums started – thank you for the information regarding fertilization and lighting conditions. I really appreciate your help, knowing I can contact you any time. Thanks!


Mahalo for all your help. Your site is the most useful out of all the sites I went to about anthuriums.


Seriously saying i have learnt a lot from ur web site. More over i tried and cleared my doubts about anthurium flower. and i would like to say that ur web site is good and still u have to improve a lot by providing much more information about research and development.


I am learning so very much from your website and emails; I have no other sources for such information and my miniature anthuriums are thriving now due to your tips; Montana and Hawaii are worlds apart in growing climates but your help makes it possible to enjoy the tropics.

Michael from Montana

Yes, I do read your missives and appreciate being on your list.

I should note that I, at this time anyway, not a serious horticulturalist. I’m just dipping a finger in the thought of trying to propagate an anthurium I’ve manage to keep blooming once a year for 3 successive years. In addition I live in snow country and this little plant amazes me! It grows on a porous rock in a bed of water; green leafy all year; 3 pretty red flowers for long periods once a year……..WOW

Again, consider me a picker of your brain; not as a serious customer; just appreciative of what the plant and you give.

Hal from Oregon

Yes Leslie I have learned quite a bit about how to treat my anthurium. I was letting it too much in the sun and she did not do well. However, since I moved it to a cooler location with more shadow, it is beginning to look pretty nice. Thanks for your comments. I love anthuriums.


Dear Leslie ,

Yours well noted , i would love to seek your advise and it has really helped me in growing anthuriums , for which my thanks to you , i will recommend your web site to any body in SRI LANKA , who needs a bit of advise in growing anthuriums. Thanks a million.

With Kind Regards

yes they all arrived beautifully.

thank you very much for the beautiful anthuriums.


Hi Leslie,
We are still so stoked about the anthurium cuttings! It’s just so clean and gorgeous! Also, thank you for the flowers on the cuttings.

Again, much appreciation for your book and helping a beginner like me to grow anthuriums. I’m so happy and will do business with you in the future.


From: Sue (about her second order from us)

yes! they are gorgeous…very nice, and in very good condition… you do a very good job of packing for shipment…the newspaper
bits, really protect them from each other. really they arrived perfect.
thank you so much!

Hello Leslie,

I have learned so much from your emails and your ebook! This past week I have watched 2 new sprouts occurring. I have put my plant in my bathroom, watered it less, kept it out of direct sunlight, fertilized it once. All of this I saw in your emails. It is so exciting to watch my plant that was given to me as a Mother’s Day gift that I thought was going to die, come to life again! Thank you so much, and I look forward to continuing to hear from you.


23 responses to “Testimonials”

  1. faye says:

    Dear Leslie
    thanks a lot for all the tips and advise my plant on the verge of death but with your tips and advise it is starting to come to life again.please let me know if u can send plants to south africa.
    i will be grateful .the website is a wwealth of knowledge and ur expertise is just great.love ur comments and pictures

    with best regards

  2. admin says:

    Hi Faye,

    Thank you for your kind comment. I am glad that my website has been able to help you with your anthurium plant.

    Regretfully, I can’t ship plants to South Africa. I believe that anthuriums are grown on Mauritius, which is slightly closer to you, but I’m not sure how customs works there and I don’t have any contacts there. Sorry I can’t be of more help with providing plants to you.

    I wish you the best with your anthurium.


  3. Willem v/d Merwe says:

    Hi leslie,
    I bought a anthurium that was marked down and started to water it cut out the dead leaves and it rewarded me by starting to grow and flowering,the nicest purplish red flowers.It receives direct morning sun and again late afternoon sun in the summer and only afternoon sun in winter.That made me buy a couple more and gave them the same growing conditions.Due to my work situation they don`t get the attention they should,sometimes getting water once a week only but they are quite hardy and keep on flowering.I must add that shouls I have to go away I fill the drip trays fuul of water and this seems to do the trick


    • admin says:

      Hi Willem,

      Thank you for taking the time to write. It sounds like you are doing a great job caring for your plants. While filling the drip trays isn’t ideal, I suppose it is better than letting your plants dehydrate when you are away and as long as you don’t do this too frequently, your anthuriums should be fine.


  4. Faan says:

    Although I have had Anthuriums for many years I have never bothered to read more about them, but I must say your website and newsletters are very informative. We have bigger premises soon and will grow a few more plants in future. I will also try my hand on cross pollination. For this your regular updates will be a necessary to be successful.

    • admin says:

      Hi Faan,

      Thank you for your comments. I am looking forward to hearing about how your attempts at hybridization go.


  5. faye says:

    Hi leslie

    u asked if any one is interested in bromelaids and orchids
    i have 5 phaelanopsis and seem to get the hang of looking after them but have not been able to see them flower.i gor these plants from my friend u emmigrated to another country .the flowering stems have died but no new shhot seems to appear please help

  6. Eva says:


    Your website is very interesting and I learned what I needed to know about Anthuriums, thank you very much.

  7. Debabrata Roy says:

    Sir/Mad. We have learned so many things from your guideline.Our plantation not yet started. In due couse of time We will inform you accordingly. Thanking you in anticipation. Debabrata Roy

  8. Agnes from London, UK says:

    Hi Leslie, Many thanks for all your great info on anthuriums. When I bought my plants a year ago I had no idea how to look after them. I’ve come across your web site and I’m a regular user of your tips. My anthuriums are still pretty and I know how to care about them in terms of watering, exposure to sun and feeding. I’m more aware of their preferences and enjoy every new leaf and flower they produce. Thank you Leslie! Await more info in your regular mail and your www. Greetings from London, UK !!

  9. ali says:

    I was given an anthurium which look wonderful and then total disaster. Viewed your website and realised I had done all the wrong things. I’ve cut out all the rotting leaves, am watering it properly. It’s only got two very small leaves left but I’m persevering and if it can be saved then I am most grateful I came across your site. I will let you know how the recovery progresses

  10. Ange says:

    Hey! This site has really helped me to keep my plant alive. Without this site it would prpbably be just a pot of brown straw. My plant came to me beautiful and full of flowers. After about a month it was down to just 2 flowers and the green leaves. Now that it lives in the bathroom, getting almost daily showers, it is looking so much better. I can’t wait for my first bloom!

    Thanks Leslie!

  11. HBLady says:

    I love receiving my emails about Anthuriums. I have learned a lot from the helpful advice. Thankyou Leslie, and Hi from Australia

  12. Judith says:

    I haven’t really had time to read everything.
    I couldn’t get an answer as to why the leaves had teardrops when it first arrived at our home and the florists couldn’t either.
    The only explanation for me was that it was a gift for the passing of my dear mother-in-law and it was weaping for her loss.
    This happened for about 2 weeks and it quit.
    It has never bloomed, though.

  13. George says:

    All I can say is thank you. My wife and I love Hawaii, but unfortunately can’t live there. Having these beautiful flowers in our home allows us to share a bit of the Islands. Your advice on the care of them allows us to grow them and enjoy their beauty.

  14. Gordon Patnude says:

    Still learning about these gorgeous plants and how to care for them.

    Just rec’d a gift of my first plant. I just hope I can follow all the information you have provided.


  15. Jake says:

    Hi Leslie,

    I would like to thank you for all the advices posted in yuor website and also in my e-mail. I have anthurium farm as well, and im having hardtime to have a good medium, but now my anthuria are ok…

  16. Mala Nandanie says:

    Dear Leslie,

    Thank you very much for your e-mails regarding anthuruim. I appreciate your help. I followed your advice and my anthurium plants are now healthy. I grow anthurium as a hobby. Every morning I am happy to see my plants.

    With regards!

    Mala Nandanie

  17. abraham dcruz says:

    The information provided is highly educative.Even a newcomer could grow anthuriums based on the information provided.

    Abraham dcruz

  18. Shelley says:

    I have learnt so much since buying the ebook and your email updates. Viz.
    Just taking good care of the prettiest plants

    Thanks Leslie

  19. Gray says:

    The astonishing anthurium I bought for my wife’s birthday still flourishes and is kept as per your advice. Diolch (Welsh).

  20. Manny says:

    My wife and I have learned a lot from your website and from the very informative emails you have shared. Thank you very much. We are new at growing the Anthurium plant and have not had much success, probably due to lack of adequate humidity. We have tried spraying the leaves with water and have yet to see new shoots come out. Wish us luck.

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