Green Anthurium

Green Anthurium Flower

Green Anthurium Flower, Price: $3.50

Have green anthurium flowers or plants delivered right to your doorstep. We grow these green midori anthuriums on the slopes of the Kilauea Volcano. We sell flowers for $3.50 per stem and plants for $29 per top cutting. Click Here to Order Now.

Midoris are one of the more durable anthurium flowers. They are slightly sturdier and a little more difficult to crease or bruise, so they hold up to shipping very nicely. They are also one of the longer lasting varieties and have a vase life of several weeks. When these flowers are left on the plant, rather than cut, they tend to develop reddish, copper colored highlights that can make them look even more attractive. The word “midori” is Japanese for the word “green,” so this is an apt moniker for them.


Green Midori anthuriums were developed by an anthurium breeder known as Calvin Hayashi in 1985. He did a very good job on this variety as they grow very energetically and their internodes are on the shorter side, so they aren’t as unwieldy as other varieties. We grow quite a number of these plants on our farm as their flowers are in very high demand.

Green Anthurium Plants

Green Anthurium Plants, Price: $29.00


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